AI technology is one of the most relevant technologies in the world. Artificial intelligence is widely used in daily life – examples are maps and navigation, face recognition and detections, chatbots, e-payments, and a lot more. AI content tools are not an exception since more and more people are becoming familiar with them. They include:
Tools that help you complete the text or sentence by making some suggestions;
Tools that summarize texts;
Tools that check grammar and spelling;
Tools that translate the text;
Tools that write the text by using algorithms based on inputted words.
The latter is called AI writing tools. Today, AI writing tools have become significant assistance in business, marketing, and similar spheres. However, these tools have created several ethical dilemmas. They are:
Copyrights. Today, there is no law that regulates the usage of AI-generated content. AI-generated content cannot be copyrighted as they are not produced by a human. So, the question of authorship has emerged: who is responsible for this content? Should developers of these tools have all the copyrights? You can read more on this issue here;
Plagiarism. AI writing tools do not copy-paste text from other sources. But they can create copies that are very similar to existing ones on the internet. That is why it is recommended to edit them. You can read more about this issue here;
Academic dishonesty. One of the most relevant issues is using AI writing tools at schools, colleges, and universities. It is considered academic dishonesty. More and more educational institutions have banned AI tools. To prevent that, they use tools that detect AI writing. Besides, usually, professors can see whatever text is written by a machine or a human;
Manipulation, fake news, and bias. These tools can create misleading content: manipulation, fake news, and bias. It can be done on purpose or by accident when the tools are not developed properly: uses biased content and incomplete data. On the other hand, there are tools that help to detect fake news;
Risk to creativity. AI writing tools have made it very easy to write text. Some people are afraid that it is a risk to humans’ creativity, and all the texts will sound the same in the future;
Job loss. Another concern is that content creators, copywriters, and bloggers would lose their jobs due to cost and time effectiveness.
4 ways to Use AI Writing Tools Ethically
So, what can be done about that? Here are some recommendations:
Use AI writing tools as assistance. It is important to understand that these tools can not always replace human writing. So, use them responsibly and edit the results when needed;
Use AI writing tools to generate separate paragraphs, taglines, and other parts. This is a way not to lose creativity;
Do not trust AI-generated content 100%. When you are doing research with AI tools, always remember that they can be inaccurate. To avoid that, check AI-generated content;
Label the content as AI-generated. Probably the best way is to label content that is 100% AI generated as AI writing.